Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Power of Positivity: Your Key to Success

Successful individuals understand the importance of attitude. Whether you are conscious of it or not, your attitude greatly influences the outcome of every situation, every day and ultimately your entire life. You can let the events of each day determine how you feel, or you can keep control by taking a few moments each morning to check and set your attitude for the day.

The Morning Mindset

When you first wake in the morning your mind is in a very relaxed state. Your brain and your subconscious are open for business and ready to receive orders. Your initial thoughts will influence you all day long. Take a minute to think about what kind of a day you are going to have; Pre-program your day. Take a minute to tell yourself that today is going to be a great day. Tell yourself that you are going to be full of energy all day. Tell yourself that you are looking forward to drinking in everything the day has to offer. Tell yourself that you are more than capable of completing every task ahead of you.

The Power of Positive Programming

You don’t think this will make a difference? Think that you can’t pre-program your mind in the morning? Then just think about this for a moment. Have you ever woken in the morning to hear a song on the radio? Maybe not even a song you like that much. But all day long that song keeps going through your head. You hear it in your head on the drive to work. It’s in your head as you move from meeting to meeting or task to task. This is the same thing. Since you had not taken the time to give your mind something to focus on, your subconscious found its own. Your brain never stops. Your brain is always thinking about something. And since it is so receptive to stimuli in the morning, take that minute before you get up to put some purposeful and positive programming (thoughts) into it.

Positive Attitude Equals Success

A positive attitude changes everything. Science supports that positivity correlates with better health, lower stress, and increased lifespan. Positive psychology studies also show that a positive outlook can improve problem-solving abilities and enhance creativity, essential ingredients for achieving success in any field. A positive attitude attracts more positive energy which in turn makes more opportunities come your way. A positive attitude and success go hand in hand. Nothing drains your energy faster than a negative attitude. Negative people waste so much energy seeing and complaining about the downside in every situation or event. They start the day exhausted, and it only gets worse from there. A successful person, on the other hand, absorbs energy from those around him or her. The more that is going on, the more pumped up and enthusiastic they become. Successful people choose to focus on the positive all around them. They practice gratitude actively, acknowledging and appreciating the good in their lives. Successful people see the positive in their relationships, with their family, at the office, and in themselves. Successful people know that they control their attitude – and they choose to keep it positive and open to all the opportunities that each new day brings.

If you are serious about being successful, and having success in every facet of your life, then you need to focus on maintaining a positive attitude. It takes just a few minutes each morning to remind yourself of all the gifts you have to offer the world and that you are going to have a great day. Make this a habit each and every day for the next week and you’ll be amazed at how much more energy you have, how much more you get accomplished, and how much friendlier everyone around you becomes.

Start your day with a moment of positivity and see the difference it makes. How do you keep your attitude in check each morning? Share your tips in the comments below!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Did you know that you had a Superpower?

Are you one of those people trying to change your behavior in some area of your life? Are you finding it difficult to keep from getting derailed? You are not alone. For most people, behavior change remains an elusive mystery. But there are some that have found their superpower. And guess what, you can too.

The Concept of Failure Disease

If you are having difficulty changing behavior, you are likely suffering from “failure disease”. Failure disease is not a recognized medical condition or diagnosis, but we have all been affected by it at one time or another in our lives. Failure disease is a term used to describe a condition where we become demotivated and avoid pursuing goals due to either a fear of failure or having not achieved a goal or goals in the past.

For instance, imagine you have set a goal to start a daily exercise routine. You’re motivated at first, but after a few days of missed workouts due to being busy or tired, you start to feel defeated. The feeling of defeat grows each time you think about your initial failure to stick to the routine, leading you to abandon the goal altogether. It’s a classic example of failure disease creeping into daily life and derailing your intentions to form a healthier habit.

Understanding the Know-Do Gap

Failure disease is associated with what psychologists term the know-do gap. Psychologists define the know-do gap as the gap between what you intend to do, what you know you should do, what you want to do, and what you actually do. In simple terms the know-do gap is the disconnect between knowing what to do and actually doing it.

For example, most individuals are aware that effective time management involves setting priorities, making to-do lists and avoiding procrastination. Despite that, many continue to procrastinate, finding themselves overwhelmed with tasks, or fail to delegate, leading to stress and decreased productivity.

This disconnect between knowing what to do and actually doing it brings the science of motivation front and center. You may know what you want and should do, but without proper motivation you simply will not take any sort of sustained action.

The Power of the Habenula

This motivation piece is where science gets really interesting. Dr Kyra Bobinet, physician and behavior change expert from Stanford Medical School, discovered the awesome power of the habenula. The habenula is a tiny yet powerful part of the brain located near the thalamus and has been known to exist for decades but thought to play a rather minor role in behavior and motivation. She discovered how the habenula impacts our motivation and decision-making processes and may be the most powerful controller of behavior in the brain discovered so far.

The science community used to feel that dopamine and other reward systems in the brain were the most powerful drivers of behavior, but new research has changed that perspective. Scientific studies found that the habenula acts as a relay center, processing signals related to reward and punishment. When we expect a reward and receive it, the habenula is relatively quiet. However, when an expected reward is not achieved, the habenula becomes highly active, signaling disappointment and discouragement. Seeing the connection between the research findings was a watershed moment. Dr Bobinet found the specific mechanism responsible for controlling motivation.

The Role of Mindset and Self-Talk

The doctor coupled this discovery with her ongoing research to find out why some people were successful at long term habit change and some people were not. She realized that with an understanding of what is happening with your habenula, as well as understanding the power of mindset and self-talk, everyone could take control of their behavior to make the changes they desired.

Engaging in positive self-talk encourages a more hopeful outlook. Affirmations like “I can handle this” or “Every challenge is an opportunity to grow” can help manage habenula responses to poor outcomes, fostering resilience and sustained motivation. By reframing setbacks positively, such as viewing them as essential parts of the learning process, self-talk can reduce the negative impact of the habenula and maintain engagement and effort. This idea that self-talk to control habenula response and help us remain motivated may seem a bit odd but let me introduce the concept of iteration to bring this all together.

The Importance of Iteration

Psychologists define iteration as the act of repeating a process usually with the aim of approaching a desired goal or target or result. In simple terms iteration is a mindset that you will figure out a way coupled with taking action, evaluating results, and making adjustments. Through her research, Dr. Bobinet found that the difference between people who were able to make long term behavior changes and those who did not boiled down to iteration. Those who iterated were successful, and those who did not, were not.

Throughout your life and your journey of true success you will hit obstacles. If you deem the hitting as a failure, your habenula will light up and will activate a motivation kill-switch in your brain. Remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Reframe your mindset to view failure as just a necessary part of growth.

Knowing what the habenula is programmed to do gives you a super-power. You have the power to iterate, to view the obstacle as nothing more than a learning opportunity (you now know something else that will not work for you), and the power to try a new approach. It is the process of trying, reflecting, and trying again, over and over, that will push you forward and put true success into your hands, your head, and your heart.

Challenge yourself to identify one small habit change you want to make. Focus on iterating and reflecting rather than just achieving. Share the journey with us in the comments.

Remember, the power to change lies within you. By understanding your brain’s mechanism and embracing the iterative process, you can master any behavior change. Your superpower is waiting to be unleashed.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Power of Now

There is a power in the present moment that simply does not exist in the future. It is the power of control and productivity. It is a power that you simply must tap into every day.

It’s just too easy to add an item to a to-do list; to write it down or make a mental note to take care of it later. But guess what my friend, later is just as likely to be just as busy as now, and you are adding yet another item to take care of. You are filling your later, your tomorrow, your next week, with more to do.

Years ago, I worked in a family-owned business and reported directly to one of the brothers. There were many occasions when he would ask me to take care of a particular item and I would let him know that I would try to get it done that same day if at all possible. He knew I had a full load and would often say that this request was not urgent. I almost always replied that if I did not get after it now, I might not be able to get it done at all. Certainly, part of me wanted to keep my boss happy, but the real reason was because I understood that my schedule was going to be just as packed down the road, and I did not want to overload my future self (even if it was just a day or two into the future).

I am not in any way suggesting that you simply react to the most recent request you receive. That is a surefire way to kill your productivity and rapidly drive your stress level skyward.

What I am suggesting is that you continually prioritize your task load and adjust to squeeze quick items in, so they do not back up and create a longer to-do list. You must stay vigilant about what are the most important tasks of the day or week but be conscious of the future problems and stress you will be causing yourself if you simply keep pushing items off to “take care of later”.

Tips to Harness the Power of Now:

1. Prioritize Ruthlessly: Make a habit of assessing your tasks and identifying which ones can be handled immediately with significant disruption to your higher-priority tasks.

2. Set Clear Goals: Establish what you need to accomplish each day and focus on achieving these goals.

3. Break Down Tasks: Divide larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts that you can tackle in the present moment.

4. Use Time Blocks: Allocate specific time slots for different types of tasks and stick to them.

5. Stay Mindful: Practice mindfulness to stay present and avoid getting overwhelmed by the future.

Be aware of and harness the Power of Now as often as possible. You will find that you are both getting more done each day and preventing yourself from getting overwhelmed with tasks in the future. We all have the same number of hours in each day – truly successful people utilize the now so that they have space in their future days to continue to grow and move forward.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Success Through Minimum Effort

Achieving success involves being focused on your overall goals and moving forward daily. Most people believe that they must set lofty goals, but this can quickly become intimidating or overwhelming. You will often find it much easier to move forward if you determine your daily minimum effort level. Let me explain with a few examples.

You may have a goal of becoming a more well-rounded person and have decided that you need to read more. You set a goal of reading 24 books over the next 12 months (2 per month). If you are currently not much of a reader that can seem like an almost impossible task. Belief in yourself, and belief in what you can accomplish are keys to making it happen. One of the best methods to achieve your goals is to break each down to a daily minimum effort. In the case of reading 24 books – you can break it down into reading for 2 minutes, reading for 5 minutes, or reading 2 pages each day. What is the minimum amount of time that you feel comfortable committing to?

You may have a goal to lose some weight and get in better physical shape. You know that cannot happen if you do not become more active but the idea of “hitting the gym” every morning is more than just a little off putting. Forget about any specific weight loss number for a while and focus instead on just building an exercise habit. What is the minimum number of minutes you can commit to exercising daily. 2 minutes? 5 minutes? Just start getting your body used to moving for the minimum timeframe you decide.

When you focus on the minimum effort these tasks do not seem so daunting. Anyone can read a page or two, and anyone can get up and move around for a few minutes. Focus on getting the minimum done and you will quickly find yourself doing more.

2 pages becomes 5 or 10, and over time you may be reading for 20 or 30 minutes each evening. NO pressure – you only need to get your 2 done, but you’ll find you will oftentimes keep going.

2 minutes of moving will morph into 5, and then 10 or 20 minutes or more. Again, NO pressure – you only needed to get your minimum done, but since you are up and moving anyway (I mean you did have to lace up those shoes, right?) why not keep going a bit longer.

Establishing a minimum effort level reduces any pressure to perform. Anything extra is a bonus. Anytime you go into overtime give yourself a mental high five. Or a real high five into a mirror (yes, actually touch your hand in the reflection – no one is watching, and you deserve it).

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

From Limited to Limitless

Henry Ford was absolutely correct when he stated: “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” As you move through life your mind can often become your greatest allies or your worst enemies. Limiting beliefs are those negative thoughts and assumptions that hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Limiting beliefs about yourself and your capabilities have been placed into your thoughts for your entire life. And most of the time you never even knew it was happening. Parents, teachers, friends, and others from the time you were born through the present have been telling you (in words and actions) what you can and cannot do. They all have meant well and were (and are still) just trying to help and protect you from pain and disappointment.

Limiting beliefs show up in your mind when you have thoughts such as "I'm not good enough,” “I can’t possibly do that”, "I don't have the resources," or "Success is for other people, not me." These beliefs create a mental ceiling that restricts what we perceive as possible. They can rob us of the success we desire and are capable of achieving. However, with the right mindset and strategies, we can overcome these mental barriers and unlock a world of opportunities.

Limiting beliefs hinder our success in four main ways.

1. Self-Doubt: When we doubt our capabilities, we are less likely to take risks or seize opportunities. This hesitation can lead to missed chances and stagnation.

2. Fear of Failure: The fear of failing can paralyze action. Limiting beliefs magnify this fear, making it seem larger than it actually is.

3. Lack of Initiative: Believing that we are not capable can deter us from taking the initiative to pursue our goals. This lack of proactive behavior stalls progress.

4. Negative Self-Talk: Constantly telling ourselves that we are not good enough erodes self-esteem and confidence, which are essential for achieving success.

Break free of the mental chains holding you back by utilizing the following:

1. Identify and Acknowledge: The first step to overcoming limiting beliefs is to acknowledge their existence. Reflect on your thoughts and identify patterns that might be holding you back.

2. Question and Challenge: Once identified, question the validity of these beliefs. Are they based on facts or assumptions? Challenge them by seeking evidence to the contrary.

3. Replace with Empowering Beliefs: Swap limiting beliefs with empowering ones. For instance, replace "I can't do this" with “I am presently challenged by this” or (even better)"I am capable and will learn how to do this.”

4. Visualize Success: Visualization is a powerful tool. Imagine yourself succeeding and achieving your goals. This positive imagery can rewire your brain to believe in your potential.

5. Seek Inspiration and Mentorship: Surround yourself with positive influences and mentors who believe in your potential. Their support and encouragement can bolster your confidence.

6. Take Action: Action is the antidote to fear and self-doubt. Start with small steps and gradually take on bigger challenges. Each success, no matter how small, reinforces your new, empowering beliefs.

Overcoming limiting beliefs is a continuous process, but it's one that can lead you to extraordinary heights. Believe in yourself, take consistent action, and surround yourself with positivity. By doing so, you'll transform your mindset and unlock the success that has always been within your reach.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

You Must Get Rid of the Good in Your Life

Over the years I have become convinced that the word “good” is holding us back. Successful people have learned that good is not enough; the goal is to be great. Great at being you and great at what you do.

For years when I was asked “How are you doing today” I would answer “Pretty good”. What the hell kind of answer was that. It occurred to me that if I was going to have great day, a successful day, I needed to be doing much better than “pretty good.” Pretty Good leaves it unsaid that I could be doing better, and if I could be doing better than I should get after it. I no longer answer with pretty good. I answer with great, fantastic, fabulous or something similar. Even if the day has not gone as well as expected my response when asked how I am doing can actually change the rest of my day.

It all goes back to mindset. Successful people are positive and optimistic. Everyone encounters challenges in their lives, but forward-thinking people move through and deal with the challenges. They do not wallow in self-pity and they do not procrastinate. They dig in and get moving.

The other problem with the word good is that it lets you off the hook. If you accept that your work is good, it can quickly slide into “good enough”. That becomes a slippery slope. “Good enough” is like cholesterol building up in your arteries. As you except more and more “good enough” in your life (more cholesterol building) the level of success you can attain starts to drop (your blood flow gets compromised). Over time the excess cholesterol can kill you; over time “good enough” kills your creativity, your productivity, your skill level, and ultimately your ability to attain all the success you dream about.

You need to strive to be great. Successful people put their full effort into everything they do. Is that report you are going to turn into your boss the absolute best you can do? If not, why would you turn it in? Your work is a reflection of you. Are you giving your full focus and energy to building and strengthening your relationships with family and friends? How can you expect to enjoy deeper and more meaningful relationships without putting in the effort? You are only as great as the work you produce and the effort you put into the relationships around you.

Banish the word good from your vocabulary. Substitute the words great, awesome, fantastic, superb, outstanding, extraordinary, fan-freaking-tastic, excellent, outstanding, superior, fantabulous, amazing, excellent, etc., etc. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Successful people demand the best from themselves at all times.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Unleash your inner beast

Each of us is born with a beast inside. This beast will try anything and is not afraid of failure. This beast includes unique gifts and interest that are woven into our DNA.

The problem is that as we start to grow up, we let fear take control. Fear starts asking questions like what if I fail? What if I look foolish? What if no one cares? And fear starts telling you that you do not have the right skill, you do not have anything unique to contribute, or that you really have nothing to contribute. Fear holds your inner beast in a cage.

Think about a very young boy. Give him crayons and he starts to draw, give him blocks and he starts to build, set him in front of a piano and he starts playing. Okay, maybe it’s scribbling, stacking and key banging, but the point is that fear of failure has not caged his beast. He is open to exploring and trying new things. If someone set you in front of a canvas with paints or at a piano today most likely you would say “but I don’t know how to paint” or “but I can’t play the piano”. Maybe you can’t, but maybe you can. That funny little thing called practice works wonders, but only after you get over fear of failure.

I paint. I took art classes when I was young and then I stopped. For years (decades) I did not draw or paint. I forgot how much I enjoyed that creative release. I had to learn to let go of the fear of a blank canvas and release my creative beast. Are my paintings the quality of a Picasso, Rembrandt, or Warhol? No, they are not. They are the quality of Kamm, and that is all that matters to me.

The beast is more than just the artistic side of you. It is also the practical, goal minded side that yearns for success. Your beast wants to make things happen. Your beast wants to be challenged and to grow and improve. Maybe there is a project at the office that you want to take on, maybe there is a need that you see but is not a formal project yet. Put together your ideas (the what, they why, and the how) and approach your boss. You may be pleasantly surprised how receptive your boss can be when you do your homework and present a fully thought-out plan. I’ll give you 10 to 1 odds that this is what he/she is waiting for.

Unleashing the beast is moving down the road to fulfilling your potential. Successful people let their beast roam free. They share their passion with the world around them and they stop letting fear limit what they think they can, and what they ultimately do, accomplish.

Your beast is multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. Your beast is the true you, your authentic self, in all your glory. It has been inside your entire life, just waiting for you to face any fear you have and unlock its cage anyway. Let your beast out. Share the awesomeness that is you with the world. That is your purpose in life. To bring to the world all that you are.