Wednesday, June 23, 2010

K is for Knowledge

The key to success in any area of your life is knowledge. Increasing your knowledge increases both your understanding and the options available to you in every situation that presents itself to you.

No matter what business/industry you are involved in you need knowledge in some or all of the following: sales, marketing, logistics, production, purchasing, negotiation, gross profit, net profit, motivation, leadership, accounting, finance, and customer service to name a few.

To be successful in your quest for good health you need to understand nutrition, exercise, metabolic processes, strength training, stamina, physiology, stress management and caloric content.

In order to put together a sound wealth strategy you need to understand asset allocation, risk diversification, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, insurance, annuities, assets, liabilities, income and expense control among other financial instruments and concepts.

Strong relationships with family and friends require some basic understanding of psychology, perception, intelligence and behavior.

The above lists could be a lot longer and that may seem overwhelming but do not despair. The great thing about knowledge is once you get it and put it into practice you do not have to relearn it. You can then learn the next piece, and the next piece, and so on and so on.

Okay, so now you’re asking how to amass all this knowledge. How about books, magazines, internet research and/or one or more mentors? How about taking a class? What about good old trial and error? The point here is simple – make it a quest to increase your knowledge on a wide variety of topics. Gather as much information as you can, sift through it, keep what feels right and leave the rest behind. Your definition and ultimate success will be different than mine, which means that the information you will gather will be different than mine. But never doubt that the more knowledge you have the faster and farther you will travel down your road to ultimate success.

Click here for the next blog in the series.

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